(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/2/24 浏览:3 次 )
do --create coroutine table --coroutine state: suspended, running, dead, normal --when create the coroutine, the status is suspended, After calling it, the status is dead --get the coroutine status by the way coroutine.status local coA = 0; local coB = 0; function createCoroutineA() coA = coroutine.create( function() --for i = 0, 10 do print("coA: ", 0); print("coB status: ", coroutine.status(coB)); --normal status print("coA status: ", coroutine.status(coA)); print("coA coroutine next status"); --coroutine.yield();--the current coroutine is suspended --end end ); print("From coA to resume coB"); end function createCoroutineB() coB = coroutine.create( function() --for i = 0, 10 do print("coB: ", 0); print("coA status: ", coroutine.status(coA)); coroutine.resume(coA); --when resume coA, the coB will suspended, calling coB ,the coA status is --suspended and dead, this time will continue to execute the next code print("coB status: ", coroutine.status(coB)); print("coB coroutine next status"); --coroutine.yield(); --end end ); print("From coB to resume coA"); end --display the coA and coB status createCoroutineA(); print(coroutine.status(coA)); createCoroutineB(); print(coroutine.status(coB)); coroutine.resume(coB); print(coroutine.resume(coB)); --if the coroutine is dead ,the resume will resume false, and can't resume the dead coroutine --print("coA status: ", coroutine.status(coA)); --print("coB status: ", coroutine.status(coB)); end
如果有对应的yield在wait resume,那么yield的参数作为resum的返回值,第一个返回值表示coroutine没有错误,后面的返回值个数及其值视yeild参数而定。
如果没有yield在wait,那么返回值是对应函数的返回值,:true,* * *
do --create coroutine table --coroutine state: suspended, running, dead, normal --when create the coroutine, the status is suspended, After calling it, the status is dead --get the coroutine status by the way coroutine.status local coA = 0; local coB = 0; function createCoroutineA() coA = coroutine.create( function(paramA, paramB) --for i = 0, 10 do print("coA: ", 0); coroutine.yield(paramA, paramB);--the current coroutine is suspended --end return 100, 200; end ); print("From coA to resume coB"); end function createCoroutineB() coB = coroutine.create( function() --for i = 0, 10 do print("coB: ", 0); print("coA status: ", coroutine.status(coA)); coroutine.resume(coA); --when resume coA, the coB will suspended, calling coB ,the coA status is --suspended and dead, this time will continue to execute the next code print("coB status: ", coroutine.status(coB)); print("coB coroutine next status"); --coroutine.yield(); --end end ); print("From coB to resume coA"); end createCoroutineA(); --if not yield is waiting ,the return values that the main function return as the results of the resume --or the return as the yield params print( coroutine.resume(coA, 10, 20));--OutPut:true, 10, 20 end