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Illustrator 绘制矢量性感美女

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2024/10/5 浏览:3 次 )
This time there is nothing much to explain. Well, it’s actually hard to explain how you draw bezier curves in Illustrator. I had the urge to do some sketches and I believe I owe it to myself, it’s been too long since I had this kind of fun.
So I grabbed my sketchbook and started drawing. Once my sketch was finished, I scanned it as a grayscale image and placed it into Illustrator (CS2). This is a perfect opportunity to show you how to use the Pen tool in Illustrator and how these bezier curves work.
Illustrator 绘制矢量性感美女
If you see it it will make more sense, so here is a movie for you to watch me drawing. Hope it's not too long to watch. I actually recorded really everything, including mistakes, bad clicks etc. so you're warned ;-)
Illustrator 绘制矢量性感美女
Watch the Bezier at Work (ZIP 16MB) Download QuickTime movie Mirror Server (if the first one is failing)
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