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摩托GP14配置 摩托GP14最低配置及要求

(编辑:jimmy 日期: 2025/3/11 浏览:3 次 )



OS: Windows®Vista™ SP2, Windows®7 SP1 or Windows®8 or Windows®8.1

Processor: Intel™ 2.4Ghz or equivalent

Memory: 2 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA® Geforce 450 or ATI® 6850 or higher (it must be able to manage Pixel Shader 4.0) with at least 512MB of display memory.

DirectX: Version 10

Network: Broadband Internet connection

Hard Drive: 18 GB available space

Additional Notes: Laptop versions of these cards are not fully supported. All OS  are supported in 32 or 64 bit.Windows®Vista™ SP2 must be updated with KB 971644 (platform update to DX11) 

摩托GP14配置 摩托GP14最低配置及要求


OS: Windows®7 SP1 or Windows®8.1

Processor: Intel Core i7 or equivalent

Memory: 4 GB RAM

Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 / AMD Radeon R9 290X or better (Laptop versions of these cards are not fully supported) with 2GB of display memory

DirectX: Version 11

Network: Broadband Internet connection

Hard Drive: 18 GB available space

Additional Notes: Laptop versions of these cards are not fully supported. All OS  are supported in 32 or 64 bit.Windows®Vista™ SP2 must be updated with KB 971644 (platform update to DX11)

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一文看懂荣耀MagicBook Pro 16
荣耀猎人回归!七大亮点看懂不只是轻薄本,更是游戏本的MagicBook Pro 16.
人们对于笔记本电脑有一个固有印象:要么轻薄但性能一般,要么性能强劲但笨重臃肿。然而,今年荣耀新推出的MagicBook Pro 16刷新了人们的认知——发布会上,荣耀宣布猎人游戏本正式回归,称其继承了荣耀 HUNTER 基因,并自信地为其打出“轻薄本,更是游戏本”的口号。